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Parks & Recreation 05.16.11 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2011
Room 5, Town Hall

Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Sergio Coviello (SC), Patricia Fillmore (PF),
Staff:  Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT)
Tardy:  Rita Mullin (RM)
Call to order: 6:40pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens:  NRSA

Acceptance of Minutes: 4/4/11 and 4/20/11 meeting minutes
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to accept minutes from 4/4/11 meeting as is.
(PF) Pat Fillmore seconds the motion.
No discussion
        Accept:  4              Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion Accepted

(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to accept minutes from 4/20/11 meeting as is.
(PF) Pat Fillmore seconds the motion.
No discussion
        Accept:  4              Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion Accepted

New Business
•       Ice Rink –
Mike asked if we have received any correspondence from NRSA. Marty answered that when he spoke with NRSA and they are not aware of this citizen’s plans, which involved mentioning NRSA and NRSA monies.
Mike asked if we are in favor of the rink idea.  Everyone responded that they are in favor and would love to have a rink but we do not have monies for one and there are a lot of logistics that would need to be hammered out, such as man power and coverage. Lynne suggested trying an open rink for a year and seeing how it works and then making a decision whether or not to keep it. Mike suggested Park Street Park as a possible location. Committee does not agree because of the land fill in that park, debris coming up through the ground and the previous complaints of parking issues on that site. Pierre Ancri is attending meeting tonight at 7:30pm with documentation and updates.
Pierre Ancri arrived at 7:19pm
Introductions were made.  Pierre handed out a pamphlet with updated information. Pierre recapped the last meeting and what he thought he got out of it and what he is looking forward to. Everyone reviewed the documentation.  Pierre stated that he is just a citizen looking to creating a greater hockey program here in town.  He is not looking for any monies from the town or Parks & Recreation.  He stated that he has investors interested with around the sum of $1.2 million already promised. Pierre stated that any enclosed skating facility would cost around $1.5 million.  Rita asked if these investors are looking for anything in return.  We can not

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Accept monies on the premise that the “investors” expect monies in return.  Pierre stated that the investors would like to see a return on monies after everything for a rink is completed and paid for and the program is running at a profit.  Rita stated that any monies received by P&R would have to be gifted and there would not be any monies returned.  Any monies receive above and beyond would go into facilities and programs. Pierre will let the investors know that. Mike asked Pierre if he was officially sponsored by NRSA and Pierre responded “YES”. He said NRSA is willing to do fundraising for this project going forward to maintain such a facility.  Pat asked if the investors have definitely committed such a large amount of monies or it is just talk.  Pierre stated that these investors are willing to commit, but they need the scope of the project to be able to definitely commit. Billie Luker asked if any other Towns owned ice rinks.  It was stated that Stoneham, Burlington and Tewksbury do.  Pierre is looking to ultimately build an indoor ice rink 40’ x 80’ regulation rink building 240’ feet long, approximately 48,000 square feet.  It was asked if we have any larger area for a location for an indoor facility.  Smith Property was mentioned but bad access. Stated that maybe we should start small at first and try it out and then see how it goes.  Pierre stated that maybe we could do something in conjunction with a recreation/community center, multi-facility. Recreation Department would love that to happen but short on funds.  We need to take one step at a time.  It was discussed again possible location at kid spots (too small) Ray’s meadow (passive only), back parking lot of barn area (difficult access, no water). Pierre suggested putting a water conduit in from the Recreation center to out back parking area for rink.  Discussion had to try an open rink.  Lynne suggested an open rink set up behind the recreation center where people park.  It would be close the recreation center for bathrooms and water access.  Committee liked that idea.  Sergio asked Pierre what his expectations from Parks & Recreation are.  Pierre responded that he will do everything; he would just like guidance from P&R.

Rita invited Pierre Ancri to become a part of the Parks & Recreation Committee.  Pierre completed an application and handed to Sheila to process.  

•       Liaison Listing (SS)- tabled until next meeting

•       Facilities Software
Maureen has been reviewing facilities scheduling software.  She has reviewed and RecPro.  There would be a large initial cost to software and then a smaller annual fee.  Programs do everything w/ scheduling permits. Maureen is going to continue researching and bring more information back to the committee on an update. She hopes to be able to purchase some type of software for the Spring of 2012.

Rita Mullin arrived at 7:04pm.

Old Business
•       Parks Director Updates (MT)
o       Skate Park at IRP:  Marty has received quotes for fixing the Skate Parks board of $6800 for labor.  The park has to be fixed.  He did shut down just the ramp that needs repairs not the whole park.  He feels if he completely shuts down the park he will have issues with the kids vandalizing it. So far the material (wood) would cost $5000 and labor $6800 to total $11,800.  The park is about 8 years old.  Originally when it was installed it was said that bicycles with peg should not be allowed in the skate park because they cause damage.  It has been extremely difficult to police to make sure no bikes are in the skate park. Sergio stated that we either have to fix the skate park or shut it down in whole.  We can not leave half of it unsafe. He asked Maureen if we have the monies currently to make the repairs.  Maureen replied, no.  Rita stated that if we can not take out just the ramp that needs repairs and we do not have the monies for the repairs right now then we should close the skate park entirely.  Pat concurred.  Billie Luker suggested tabling this subject until next meeting.  He asked everyone to write down their ideas and bring them to the next meeting.

o       IRP Bathrooms:  Fixed sink at IRP Bathrooms.  It was a sensor.

o       Pavilion Installation:  Marty stated that he is not going to postpone pavilion construction due to Zip Trip visit.  He needs LUC to come mark off the area where they would like to place pavilion.  It will be completed by the end of May beginning of June.

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o       Lights at practice field:  Original quote was around $20,000.  Final price is $15,000 for lights link system and warranty.  The Link system will be installed this coming Wednesday. Marty is trying to get new practice lights before fall season begins.  

o       Turf Field Asphalt path:  Marty widened and repaved entrance pathway to Arthur Kenney Turf Field. Came out great.

•       Recreation Director Updates (LC)-Absent
o       Summer enrichment programs: Summer enrichment program previously run by enrichment director at the Middle School will now be run by P&R.  Lynne is working with Patrick Daley.  The use of faculties will be free for these programs.  The Summerscape program fees for building use have been reduced to $5000.  

o       Skyhawks: Skyhawks usually in the past charged us a a fee per child for Board of Health certificate.  We found out that they only pay $100 per year total for the Board of Health fee no matter how many kids.  The fees have been reduced accordingly so that we now cover the cost of the BOH fee.  We only make a 12% commission from Skyhawks programs.

o       NY City Trip: Sheila went this year.  Went great. Low registration broke even got a reduced rate for bus.

o       Superintendent: Kathy Willis has stated that she is more than willing to work with P&R,  She is working to give us reduced faculties fees, enrichment programs, etc.

o       Scholarships:  We are receiving a lot of scholarship applications. The deadline to submit requests in June 1st.  Then Lynne will start to review them.  She has only received one “Sponsor a child” donation so far.  Hoping to get more.

o       Advertising: Maria has done amazing on advertising in the brochure.  We paid for an ad this year to go in transcript for Summerscape and kid connection programs. We will be holding an open house, doing press releases and a letter to the editor.  

•       Operations Director Updates (MS)
o       Secretary Hours:
Sheila and Pierre Ancri were asked to leave the room and committee went into executive session at 7:30pm to discuss Secretaries hours.

(PF) Motion made by Patricia Fillmore to increase parks and recreation secretary position permanently to 25 hours per week 52 weeks per year and recognized for any and all personnel benefits effective immediately.
(RM) Motion seconds by Rita Mullin.
No discussion
        Approved: 5             Opposed: 0              Abstained:  0
Motion Passed

7:40pm Sheila and Pierre Ancri returned to the meeting.
7:41pm Maureen Stevens excused herself to attend BOS meeting for Enterprise Fund review.

o       BBQ updates:  All the talent is booked.  The sponsors are committed, just need to assign to which week they represent then we can put the schedule out.  We want to bring Courtney Beverage back.  Rita asked that we contact New England Spring Water and ask if they could give us a break on water and drinks.  

o       Board of Selectmen meeting:  It went well the BOS are in favor of P&R going to an Enterprise accounting method.

o       Craft Fair: Craft fair is 5/21 and we are running the concession for it. Rita said she will make meatball. We will have sausage pepper and onions sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, drink.  The Fair is from 10-3 pm BBQ will be from 11-2pm we need at least 5 volunteers to help out.  Maureen, Sheila and Lynne will be there.

o       Financial Reports-tabled

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•       LUC Updates (RM)
o       Meditation Garden at IRP: Received abutters list with 38 names on it.  All abutter letters went out today..  Please put on the 5/24/11 agenda. We are waiting on plans from Leah. Billy asked if garden will be done before bbq series begins and Rita answered that she believed it would be.  

•       FONRPRC, Inc Updates-
o       Walk of Fame: There are dates that the project can not be done. Black out dates are 5/20 relay for life, 5/27 MIAA track meet, 6/7-6/10 graduation prep.  Memorial weekend probably will be best, or from May 21 thru 26th.  Will speak with Bill Gardocki and connect with Marty.
o       Yard Sale on April 30th: Profit was $225.15.  A lot of work for little monies.
o       Pitch, Hit, Run: Event was cancelled due to rain, will not be rescheduled because the sectionals will already have gone by before we can reschedule event.

Mike Fitzpatrick excused himself from the meeting at 8:40pm.

Other Business
•       School Modular Rooms (RM): rita was told that there was talk that if and when the High School gets refinished there was talk that P&R could possibly get the old gym are for programs.  That is not true.  However, she was told that the schools may be looking to get rid of some of the modular classrooms and P&R should put in a request for them.  Rita asked Lynne to draft a letter requesting modular classrooms.

•       Next Meeting date (SS)
June 6th at 7pm Town meeting
Parks & recreation next meeting is Wednesday, June 8th in Room 14 at Town Hall at 7:00pm

•       Agenda Items for next meeting (SS)

(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to adjourn meeting at 10:00 pm.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
No Discussion-Motion Passed